Atari 65xe Train Sound
This is an example of an Atari 65xe Train Sound. The first part of this code sets up the variables ST$ and CH$. Each has 4 bytes reserved for Basic memory.

The next line places the text “TOOT” inside of the ST$ variable to be used later in the program.

In this part of the program we setup GRAPHICS mode 17 for the Atari 65xe Train Sound demo.
The next segment changes the border color with the POKE 712, 148.
Then we position the text “ATARI CHOO-CHOO” at lines 10,10. The first parameter for the POSITION is known as the horizontal position, which reads from anywhere across the screen from left to right. The next part reads the vertical position from top to bottom.
This next part begins what is known as a “loop” for our program the Atari 65xe Train Sound.

This first part is actually reading the loop backward starting at a count of 15 to zero. The next section uses voice 1 and sets a decrease to the volume for this parameter.
Atari 65xe Random Data

Now we initialize the R variable choosing a value from 1 to 300. The plus 1 (+1) makes sure the selection starts at a value of one.
Then the next line says if R is equal to the value of 30 then we call the SOUND commands after this which set up the Atari 65xe train sound. In this line the program also does a subroutine jump to line 90.
Then we end the loop called X and increase the variable called P at .03 percent.

The next line checks the variable P to see if it is “greater or equal to 5”. If it is, then the variable P is set the value of five.
After this the GOTO returns to line 30 to stay in a program loop, which keeps the train whistling.

The POKE 77,0 turns off the attract mode for the color cycling that was common on the original Atari 2600 games.
After this, we begin a new loop (called “LOOP”) then counts up through the length of the data found in the variable ST$.
Then we set a position at 8+LOOP-1, 12. This positions the cursor at the horizontal line of 8+LOOP-1 which begins to read the text “TOOT” on the screen, and sets it vertically at line 12.
The next line that reads ? #6;CHR$(ASC(ST$(LOOP,LOOP))+32) begins to read the text found in the variable ST$ and increases the location by 32 to point to the character specific color set.